Saturday, September 7, 2013

Zoe's Birthday

Hi All,

It's been a while since I've posted but at least there is a good reason.  We are packing and hopefully moving in 13 days!!!!  I say, "hopefully" because although this is not my nature at all, I am trying not to count my chickens before they hatch.  I want to be so excited but there is a lot that has to be done to the house before we know if everything will go as planned.  So in this case, not only do I want to wait til the chickens hatch.  I want to see them clucking around before I get too excited.

But, back to the reason for my post, Zoe's birthday.  My sweet little girl turned 8 last week.  She has been such a blessing since the day was born that I can't even imagine how I lived without her!  And she is growing up way too fast!  It seems like she was my little baby yesterday.  And with this one tiny little present (Ipod Shuffle), I think I created an instant teenager.  Seriously, she hasn't taken it off except to sleep! 

So she requested a chocolate chip cookie cake for her birthday.  I think she was imagining the ones from the mall but when I showed her a picture of this one, she was so drooling.  So I took that to mean that she wanted it.   So here is is!!!

Check out this great blog, Home Cooking Memories, where I got the recipe.

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